Dr. Na, Kiwon
Yeonsu Seoul Dental Clinic

Fig. 1.
Pre-op panorama. 55 years old male patient was showing for mobility on #31.

Fig. 2a-b.
Pre-op labial view(a) and occlusal view(b).

Fig. 3.
Extraction of #31.

Fig. 4a-b.
Initial drilling with Ø1.3 Point Drill(a) and final drilling with Ø1.3 Straight Twist Drill(b).

Fig. 5a-b.
One-body Mini Implant was placed for immediate loading and optimized in a narrow space. (Ø2.5 x 4mm x 13mm Post Type of I-FIX)

Fig. 6a-b.
Impression Cap was connected(a). Impression was taken for final prosthesis(b).

Fig. 7.
Post type Lab Analog was connected to the taken impression body.

Fig. 8a-b.
Temporary Cap was connected(a). The shell of temporary prosthesis was fabricated in advance(b).

Fig. 9.
The temporary prosthesis was delivered.

Fig. 10a-b.
Post-op 4 months CBCT(a) and X-ray(b).

Fig. 11.
The final Prosthesis was delivered.

Fig. 12.
Post-op 7 months clinical view.
The copyright of this clinical data belongs to
Dr. Na, Kiwon in Yeonsu Seoul Dental Clinic.
Please note that the copyright of this card news and the right of use belongs to DENTIS Co., Ltd, GDIA, and Dental Bean.