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Prosthetics processed by Digital CAD/CAM using ScanBody & Pre-Milled Abutment

Dr. Kim, Hyundong

Seoul Smart Dental Clinic

Fig. 1.

A 52 years old male patient visited for implant placement on his upper posterior teeth. Ø5.5 x 10mm SQ Implants were placed on #16, #17, and connected Cover Screws.

Fig. 2.

Post-op 3 months. 2nd surgery was done

Fig. 3.

2 weeks After 2nd surgery, 4.5x12mm of DENTIS ScanBodys were connected. It was necessary to take an X-ray for checking the connection ScanBody and Fixture

Fig. 4

Scan for abutment arch connected with ScanBody, gingiva of abutment arch without Healing Abutment, opposite arch, and closed bite.

Fig. 5

Because bite information is especially important of scan data for the bite alignment on the CAD S/W, it’s recommended to mark the occlusal points with articulating film ago intra-oral scanning.

Fig. 6

Before sending the data, it’s checked the scan quality in various directions.

Fig. 7

Scan data was merged with ScanBody library using 3 points.

Fig. 8

The accuracy of data merging was evaluated through the cross-section view.

Fig. 9

Customized Abutment and Zirconia Crown were designed to consider emergence profile.

Fig. 10

The bite alignment was checked on CAD.

Fig. 11

 Connect DENTIS Pre-Milled Cylinders to the 5-axis milling machine(a), and place the de-signed Customized Abutments on CAM S/W(b).

Fig. 12

Customized Abutment and Zirconia Crown were milled by digital CAD/CAM.

Fig. 13

Milled Customized Abutment and Zirconia Crown were adapted on the 2nd model printed by 3D Printer ZENITH D(b).

Fig. 14

 Customized Abutments were connected into the intraoral using positioning jig fabricated on the 2nd model.

Fig. 15

Lateral view of final restorations.

Fig. 16

Occlusal view of final restorations.

Fig. 17

Final panoramic view.


The copyright of this clinical data belongs to
Dr. Kim, Hyundong in Seoul Dental Clinic.
Please note that the copyright of this card news
and the right of use belongs to DENTIS Co., Ltd, GDIA.

DENTIS and GDIA All right reserved.


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