Dr. Kim, Hyundong
Seoul Smart Dental Clinic

Fig. 1.
Pre-op panorama. A 76 years old male patient visited for implant placement on his lower front teeth.

Fig. 2.
Pre-op panorama.

Fig. 3.
Implant placement simulation and temporary prosthesis was planned by Dentiq Guide S/W.

Fig. 4.
Surgical guide stent for SIMPLE GUIDE Plus was also planned by Dentiq Guide S/W.

Fig. 5a-c.
Surgical guide stent(a) and temporary prosthesis(b, c) were printed by DLP 3D Printer ZENITH D.

Fig. 6a-b.
Using SIMPLE GUIDE Plus system(a), #31(Ø4.0 x 10 mm), #33, #35, #43(Ø4.5 x 10 mm) SQ implants were placed(b).

Fig. 7.
After connecting abutment, suture was done.

Fig. 8.
The temporary prosthesis was immediately delivered.

Fig. 9.
Post-op panorama.

Fig. 10.
Post-op 3 months. The final prosthesis was delivered.

Fig. 11.
Post-op 3 months panorama.
The copyright of this clinical data belongs to
Dr. Kim, Hyundong in Seoul Dental Clinic.
Please note that the copyright of this card news
and the right of use belongs to DENTIS Co., Ltd, GDIA.